Please mail all correspondence to:
Gundaker Foundation
PO Box 812
Springfield, PA 19064-0812
Primary Contact:
Bianca Mandel, President
Rotary Club of the Upper Main Line
Corporate Legal Address:
Rotary District 7450
Gundaker Foundation, Inc
c/o: Houtz CPA LLC
1215 W. Baltimore Pike, Unit 16
Media, PA 19063
About Us
The Rotary District 7450 Gundaker Foundation, Inc. is named in tribute to the lifelong accomplishments of Guy Gundaker, one of the founders and a charter member of the Philadelphia Rotary Club of Philadelphia. He was President of the Philadelphia Rotary Club in 1914 -1917 and became President of Rotary International in 1923-1924.

The Gundaker Foundation makes a difference in people's lives by applying our motto of "Service Above Self" for the betterment of our communities and our world.
We provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.
Community Service
The Gundaker Foundation provides matching financial grants to Philadelphia area Rotary Clubs as they support local, national and international projects within Rotary International’s seven areas of focus including:
Promoting Peace
Fighting Disease
Providing Clean Water, Sanitation & Hygiene
Saving Mothers & Children
Supporting Education
Growing Local Economies
Protecting the Environment
Vocational Education Scholarships
We also provide educational scholarships to students enrolled in vocational training and/or trade schools in the Philadelphia area. These schools typically provide post-secondary hands-on education for occupational programs that deliver skills and real-world experience to immediately gain entry into their chosen careers upon graduation.